How to reach your target audience?

Whatever the marketing strategy you're going to use, whether it's online ads, content, cold outreach, you have to understand one thing, your target audience is part of a broader audience. I mean, that kind of makes sense. So in a way, you will never be able to truly target only your target audience.

You can't target with 100% accuracy your target audience.

Even the best tactics, when it comes down to targeting, I'm thinking about Facebook ads. You can't really, especially nowadays, target a very specific niche group of people. That maybe was the case five years ago, but now more than ever, privacy is becoming much, much more relevant and you cannot target anyone you want. That's the first problem.

Inside your target audience, you have a lot of different audiences.

The second problem is that inside your target audience, you actually have a lot of different audiences with different needs, wants, whatever.

So the message has to be different for each of them. If you're looking out, we're talking about this, the different kind of awareness cycle rules. And this is the subject of the next video.